Hall effect principle based Current Transducer, specifically made to work in extreme atmosphere of traction application. Its measuring secondary circuit is galvanically isolated with primary circuit.
Nominal Primary Current | 2000A rms |
Nominal output current | 400mA rms |
Measuring range | 0 to ±3000 Amp. |
Conversion ratio of primary | 1 : 5000. |
& secondary | |
Input Power supply Voltage | + 15VDC to + 24VDC and -15VDC to -24VDC |
Measurement accuracy | ± 0.25% of Input current |
Linearity in measurement | Better than ±0.1% |
Zero Offset current | Max. ±0.75mA |
Response time | Better than 1us |
Bandwidth | 0 - 100Khz (-1db) |
Di/Dt response | Better than 50A / µs |
Current consumption | 30mA (±24V) + out put current |
Dielectric Isolation Primary | 9.0 KV AC 50Hz |
To measure the current (DC, AC and pulsating upto 100Khz) accurately in high power circuit of 3Phase, 6000HP class of Locomotives for 25KVAC, 50Hz system. It measures the current of Hotel Load Supply.